A CHARITY has 'reluctantly' announced plans to sell a historic building gifted to Cartmel due to the costs of restoring and maintaining the premises. 

Cartmel Institute was gifted to the village by the Rev Holgate in 1865 as a recreational and educational facility for working people in the village. 

However, the opening of the village hall in the 1930s reduced the need for this original purpose. Since the 1970s there has been 'concern' on how best to run it for the community.

A spokesperson from Cartmel Institute Charity said: "The Institute Trustees have spent several years trying to identify a new role for the listed building but have reluctantly concluded that they cannot afford to restore and maintain the premises.

"It is planned to sell the Institute building and to use the proceeds to set up a new Community Trust to support activities and facilities in the village."

Residents will have the opportunity to give their views and suggestions about the new trust and how it should operate.