A SON is hoping to honour the memory of his mum by breaking a World Record later this year.

Andy Allan, from Ulverston, will be attempting the most weight lifted by kettlebell clean and press in one hour on May 18 at Cumbria Strength and Conditioning gym in Dalton.

The current record is an accumulative weight of 16,040 kg - the weight of four hippos - and is the target that Andrew has set his sights on.

He said: "I trained for a couple of months last year to achieve this World Record but just never got anywhere near close enough to the current record.

"But I’m hoping that with some hard work, and the motivation of the donations that have come in, we can get there."

Andy set a fundraising goal of £1,500, which has already been smashed thanks to the generosity of friends, family and Cumbrian locals.

All the money will be going to St Mary's Hospice after they cared for his mum, Sue, earlier this year.

The Mail: Andy will be lifting the combined weight of four hippos over an hourAndy will be lifting the combined weight of four hippos over an hour (Image: Andy Allan)

"When my mum passed away in late January, we agreed as a family that the hospice deserves some huge recognition for the support they gave us all," Andrew explained. 

"This service is truly remarkable and something I had never really thought much about until it became the only thing that mattered to us."

A spokesperson from the hospice said it was a 'truly remarkable way' of backing their services and encouraged as many people as possible to support the record attempt.

Andy added: "I believe that everybody should have the opportunity to be supported like this in their last days, and that families - particularly sons, daughters, and siblings - should be able to be just that: sons and daughters, brothers and sisters alongside for those final precious moments with everything else being taken care of.

"So, that’s why I am going to train to attempt something remarkable myself, which hopefully people feel is worth donating towards."

You can visit and contribute to the fundraising page here.