PLANS to build an external terrace and a link bridge at a four-star hotel in the Lake District have been given the go-ahead.

Members of the development control committee for the Lake District National Park Authority approved proposals from Low Wood Bay Resort and Spa on Ambleside Road to build an external terrace as well as a link bridge.

A design and access statement says: “We believe that this proposal will enhance the already world-class facilities at The Low Wood Bay Resort & Spa by sympathetically enhancing their existing facilities and providing a unique experience for old and new visitors of the Lake District National Park.”

The proposals consist of a new outdoor terrace which extends outward to become in-line with the original building. From there, a bridge will take the users from the hotel, across the site’s existing rockery, and to the hillsides opposite.

“This results in a space more accessible for all users of the hotel whilst also providing views out to Windermere. The bridge is designed to be very minimal in its scale and is positioned away from the main road towards the back of the Hotel to ensure that the views outwards are not interrupted. The proposal aims to make minimal changes to the landscape in order to retain the existing site”, the design and access statement adds.

The proposals have faced opposition from the Lakes Parish Council who said the bridge would be a ‘distraction’ to road users.

In a report prepared for the development control committee, a planning officer says: “I do not consider that the proposed development would result in a dominant addition to views of the site from the surrounding public rights of way, the highway or the lake. In distant views the development would be subsumed within the developed nature of the existing site.”

Members of the development control committee for the Lake District National Park Authority approved the proposals on February 7.