A WOMAN has set up a new business where she will visit care homes and schools offering an opportunity for groups to engage in 'animal therapy.' 

Joanne Hales (39) owns Shetland ponies, cob horses, a dog, donkeys and ducks. All of her animals are rescues which she has trained to a point where they feel comfortable around members of the public. 

She said: "I lost my father when I was 17 and I lost my mum two years ago. I found it hard, I didn't find anything that helped me. When I had my moments there's something a dog can give that nothing else can.

The Mail: Jo said that the animals 'helped her through some of the worst times of her life' Jo said that the animals 'helped her through some of the worst times of her life' (Image: Joanne Hales)

"I want to give a little bit back to people who can't have the privilege of being around animals." 

Jo said that there are similar businesses, but not in her part of Cumbria. She set up Life Between The Ears a month ago and has already taken her animals to groups after getting her DBS check. 

"Everyone says I don't know what you do they're just different, they're very friendly, very caring. All my animals - they know how it feels. That's what has got me through some of the worst times of my life."

Although the animals have a harness that stops waste from dropping to the floor when they are visiting a place, she said that they have been trained to know when to do their business. 

The Mail: Jo owns a small farm as her husband is the King's Guide to the SandsJo owns a small farm as her husband is the King's Guide to the Sands (Image: Joanne Hales)

Jo said that she had had the idea for a while but put it off as she knew that setting up a business would involve 'a lot of paperwork.' However, she was given help by the council and other services that saw the value in her business idea. "I have been supported by everyone which is nice," she said.  

Keeping animals is expensive, so the business will allow her to continue to have them. 

The Mail: Jo's business will help her keep the animals, as they are expensiveJo's business will help her keep the animals, as they are expensive (Image: Joanne Hales)

Jo is Grange and Flookburgh-based. Her partner Michael Wilson is the King's Guide Over the Sands, and as part of the role, Michael gets a farm. Currently, the couple does not live there but they are planning to soon, and are thinking of incorporating it into the business. "Once we're living at the farm I can invite small groups and disabled children," she said. 

The couple think that the small farm would be better utilised to 'help others' in this way rather than as a traditional commercial enterprise.