THE biggest turnout yet showed up for a community litter pick organised by Barrow Business Improvement District.

Dozens of people of all ages met at the 'Spirit of Barrow' statue for the two-hour activity on Thursday.

Armed with protective equipment, litter pickers, bin hoops and bin bags, the participants made their way around the town centre.

The team for the day went into every nook and cranny to extract litter from grids, bushes, gutters and kerbsides. 

Around 12 of Barrow BID's partners took part including participants from BAE Systems, McDonald's, Barrow Police and Barrow AFC

Manager at Barrow BID Paul Hodgson said: "It was such a great turnout.

"We hold these events quarterly throughout the year. We didn't actually count how many people as there were so many, but more and more people seem to come every time - and this time I'd say we saw the most. 

"People from all ages came including some of the younger apprentices from BAE systems.

"It was great to see everyone really taking pride in the town and working to keep it attractive - it was an amazing effort."