A FAMILY's pet cat had to have a leg and his tail amputated after it is believed he got caught in a snare.

Lindsey Jayne Brown, from Barrow, was 'horrified' when her beloved pet Bruno returned home in a distressing state.

The one-year-old kitten came back with no fur on his tail, as if it had been skinned, and a dislocated back leg.

Lindsey said Bruno dragged himself home and that the vet thinks he was caught in an animal snare.

While it is illegal to set traps in public places under the Wildlife and Countryside Act, snares may be set provided you are the landowner or have the landowner’s permission.

Lindsay believed it may have happened in How Tun Wood, which belongs to the Woodland Trust.

How Tun Woods site manager Heather Swift said: “This is an awful incident, and it’s so horrible to hear about the injury to the cat. We have spoken to the owner and urged them to contact the police. Unfortunately, no-one knows where this trap might have been.

“The Woodland Trust certainly doesn’t use or permit inhumane and indiscriminate traps like this in any of our woods. 

“Our wardens have carried out an extensive search of How Tun Woods and not found anything. A trap may have been on adjacent land as there are quarries and scrub on adjoining public access land. We simply don’t know.”

Bruno was rushed to Wildside Vets on Abbey Road where he was operated on.

“My children were inconsolable,” Lindsey said.

Now back home he is 'eating and taking his medication.'

Bruno has been prescribed constant care as well as antibiotics and painkillers.

A Go Fund Me page has been set up to pay towards his care Visit: https://www.gofundme.com/f/brunos-surgery-after-being-caught-in-a-snare-trap

Less than 24 hours after launching Bruno's donation page, over 150 people have given money and help reach their goal of £1,600.