A DEDICATED girl swam 10kms to raise funds for a leisure centre.

Jamie Tyson swam the distance in two hours 45 minutes to support Dalton Leisure Centre in getting new equipment for their new facilities. 

The 17-year-old, from Barrow, said the centre gave her the opportunity to learn how to swim from a very young age.

She said swimming brings happiness to her life and has become a national swimmer due to her passion for the sport.

"I felt like it would be really nice to give something back towards their funds to get the new equipment," explained Jamie.

"It was a sponsored swim, I have had 26 donors, and I have set up my GoFundMe page."

The senior swimmer, a member of Ulverston Otters, said she was shocked after finding out for how long she swam.

"It took a lot of determination from me to complete it - it was just a constant mind game whether I was actually going to finish it, but I did in the end, and I was really happy," she said.

"I really didn't know how to swim it. I had never paced anything like that before, and the distance was just tremendous. 

"I went swimming later on and had to get out because I couldn't do it - I was just so tired."

Mark Knagg, head coach at Ulverston Otters, said: "The club are extremely proud of Jamie’s efforts in undertaking this fundraiser for the Leisure Centre where she first learnt to swim.

"Jamie is not only a great swimmer but also a fantastic role model within our club. Very well done Jamie."

Shaun Fisher, manager of Dalton Leisure Centre said: "I'm absolutely over the moon for her, but I'm also not shocked that she managed to do it - she is an amazing swimmer.

"I really appreciate what she has done for the centre, she has raised quite a good amount."

To help with the donations, visit her GoFundMe page here.