Barrow’s ‘fish and rice cakes guy' has recreated his iconic meme 17 years later.

After appearing on BBC Three’s Baby Face Body Builders documentary, Danny Andrews shared his basic, unappetising diet with viewers which became a viral sensation.

He was just 16 in 2007 when he was preparing to compete in the Mr Cumbria bodybuilding competition.

In the clip, which is just over a minute long, the documentary maker follows Danny asking him about his food preparation - to which he opens up a freezer full of frozen fish.

He then throws four in a frying pan and goes into great detail about the times he has a fish and a rice cake - also naming the exact times he puts the two together. 

His daily diet consisted of eight sets of fish and rice cakes, leading to his nickname of ‘fish and rice cake guy’.

Danny’s personal trainer had put him on a strict diet in the lead up to the competition so that he could lose two stone.

The Mail: LOOKING BACK: Danny Andrews when he was 16Danny, who grew up in Hawcoat, now owns a barbershop in Preston.

He made an appearance on the hugely popular Channel 4 show, First Dates, however now, age 32, he has recreated the meme in which he is forever immortalised on the TikTok app.

Looking decidedly more buff with tattoos, the bodybuilder still has his trademark yellow check shirt and spins his frying pan in his kitchen before he begins.

In the same Cumbrian accent, he said: "8 o’clock in the morning I’ll have fish and a rice cake. At 10 o’clock, I’ll have fish.

"At 12 o’clock I’ll have fish and a rice cake. 

"At 2 o’clock I’ll have fish. At 4 o’clock I’ll train, but then I’ll have more fish with a rice cake.

"And then I’ll come home and I’ll have more fish before I go to bed and then that’s it for the rest of the day."

The Mail: VIRAL: Danny went viral aged 16 after sharing his rather unusual diet regimeTowards the end of the 33-second clip, Danny starts laughing and he can’t keep his composure after doing such a good job of remembering his previous lines word for word.

Posted on his TikTok channel @dannyandrews69, the video has almost 675k views with over 6.5k comments.

One woman said: "I NEED to know if he’s still eating fish and a rice cake.”

One man said: "Mate all that hard work and training has paid off you look great. Apart from the shirt."