OVER 250 cannabis plants have been taken off the streets of Barrow in the last week in Cumbria Police’s latest efforts to crack down on the war on drugs.

Barrow Neighbourhood Policing Team worked alongside Barrow TSG and CSOC to identify where they believed residential cannabis grows were located.

Five properties were searched including an address on Manchester Street in Barrow on November 30 (Thursday).

In total between 250-300 plants were seized.

No arrests were made.

These are the latest updates in a string of high-profile police raids to bust cannabis cultivation operations in the town.

It comes after three men were jailed for 30 months at Preston Crown Court earlier this week for their role in the production of cannabis at the Royal Hotel in Barrow in October this year.

READ MORE HERE: Men jailed after officers sniff out sophisticated cannabis operation at Barrow hotel

Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner Peter McCall said earlier this year that an increase in drugs detection in Cumbria showed that officers were being pro-active in clamping down on drugs distribution with intelligence led raids and public information.

He said: “That sounds like bad news, but I am quite pleased with that because we are catching more people. There are now so many opportunities of reporting to the police.

"If the cops don’t know about it, how can they do anything about it?”

Tell-tale signs that could indicate a cannabis farm is in your neighbourhood include:

  • Strong, sickly smells coming from properties
  • Properties where the windows are constantly covered
  • Excessive security around properties, such as CCTV
  • High levels of unusual condensation on windows
  • Lots of visitors – and at unsociable hours
  • Bright lights both day and night
  • A constant buzz of ventilation

A Cumbria Police spokesman said: “Our investigations into drugs crime relies on intelligence and information. We would urge anyone who has seen or knows of anything suspicious to contact the police”.

Anyone who suspects they know of properties being used to cultivate cannabis, should report it online at www.cumbria.police.uk/report-it.

Alternatively, you can phone 101 or contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.