UlverSTEM, a dynamic STEM education event, is set to return in 2023 after a successful live gathering last year.

The exciting event will once again be held at Ulverston Victoria High School on Saturday, November 18, welcoming families to drop in anytime from 9.30am to 4pm.

The day is dedicated to young people aged six-16 and offers an enlightening experience of science, technology, engineering, and maths.

Participants will enjoy interactive activities and engage in fun-filled chemistry experiments.

Aspiring engineers will also have the chance to meet a robot or simply discover the joy of STEM subjects.

Local employers from a variety of industries such as Siemens Energy, Oxley, Bender UK, Kimberly-Clark, NHS, BAE Systems, GSK, Orsted, and more will be present to provide information about their work.

Shows and presentations throughout the day includes guest stars like the famous Professor Pumpernickel.

Dr Michael Jeschke, UlverSTEM Chair, said: “UlverSTEM 2022 was our first live event after the pandemic and we had an overwhelmingly positive response to the return of a live event and to the new venue.

"We look forward to welcoming young people and their families to UlverSTEM and hope that we will continue to inspire youngsters to study and eventually gain a career in STEM subjects”.

Career opportunities and skills development are key themes of the event, with UlverSTEM proudly partnering with Furness Education & Skills Partnership.

The event will also be support by Inspira, Cumbria Careers Hub, and local colleges and universities.

Attendees can make the most of free parking at the UVHS car park on Springfield Road, and there will be food and refreshments available in the school canteen.

To plug into pre-event and day-of activities, follow the UlverSTEM social media pages on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Additional information about the event can be obtained from www.fesp.org.uk/ulverstem.