There are currently nine businesses in the Barrow area that have a food hygiene rating of one.

According to the Food Standards Agency, this means that they require 'major improvements' going forward.

These are the nine establishments that had the low rating as of the time of their last inspection.

3A Fish Bar & Crispy Fried Chicken 195 Rawlinson Street - last inspection, August 3 2021.

Barrow Tandoori 115 Cavendish Street - last inspection, April 19 2023. 12 Crelin Street - last inspection, January 25 2023.

Diamond Restaurant 250 Dalton Street - last inspection, March 23 2023.

Hot Potato 10 William Street - last inspection, October 1 2022.

La Pizzaria 116 Lesh Lane - last inspection, June 20 2023.

Correction: Since the new owners came in and updated the business, La Pizzeria has now gained a Three star rating following an inspection in August. The previous score had not been updated based on the new spelling of the takeaway.

McLeys Bakery 19 Bath Street - last inspection, July 12 2022.

Taj Mahal 56 Cavendish Street - last inspection, June 21 2023.

The Ship Inn Yarlside Road - last inspection, September 24 2022.

Wrapport 59 Cavendish Street - last inspection, January 12 2023.