PLANS have been submitted to build 19 homes in Barrow after previous plans to build 18 homes on the same site were withdrawn earlier this year.

Mulberry Homes has lodged a planning application with Westmorland and Furness Council to construct 19 homes on land next to Leece Lane.

A previous application to build 18 homes on the same site was withdrawn in April this year and according to the planning statement the applicant has amended the design in response to feedback it received from the council and its consultees.

The new proposed development will consist of a range of two-bedroom to five-bedroom properties and two units of affordable housing will also be provided.

A design and access statement submitted by the applicant says: “This site is readily available and deliverable and would sit seamlessly into the surrounding area and would merely become an extension of what is already there whilst providing infill between the existing Kempass Avenue, and Rosewood Grove to the North, whilst later having the benefit of sustainable development.

“Developments such as these will provide much needed growth for the community as well as a district, whilst forming much needed housing for local families.”

The proposed site is located to the east of Roose and would front Leece Lane which has existing residential development on the other side. To the east of the site is an area owned by the applicant called Green Wedge where further planting is proposed and to the south lies open countryside according to the planning statement.

The planning statement says there will be a loss of biodiversity on the site, but the proposals state the hedgerows to the west and south will be enhanced and further trees will be planted.

The plans add following construction the site can be improved with the provision of bat and bird nesting and roosting areas which can be attached to trees or provided in new buildings.

No decision has been made yet on the application by Westmorland and Furness Council and it is currently undergoing public consultation.