POLICE are cracking down on anti-social behaviour in areas where troublesome youths are continuing to blight communities.

Officers are due to target three hotspots in Furness where reports of anti-social behaviour are continuing to flood in.

The action follows further recent incidents at Walney's Combe House and Vickerstown Park, as well as Dalton Leisure Centre.

Combe House, a derelict former care home, has been plagued with incidents - including multiple deliberate fires - since the land was sold off by Cumbria County Council in 2020.

Police have been talking to pupils in schools to prevent young people from entering the site.

A hazard awareness notice was also served on the building's owners by police as part of efforts to tackle the issue.

Multiple incidents have been reported to police in Vickerstown Park in the last few years including the alleged sexual assault of a 15-year-old boy in 2020, who had his trousers pulled down by three other teenagers.

At Dalton Leisure Centre multiple calls for CCTV cameras have been made after incidents in the area.

There have been reports of drug use, littering, late-night noise and the car park being used as a race track for youths on scooters.

Drug paraphernalia has previously been found in the children's play park in the grounds of the leisure centre.

Police officers are due to target three areas next week after residents reported anti-social behaviour concerns in a survey.

A Cumbria Police spokesman said: "The Barrow Neighbourhood Policing Team have been made aware of continuing reports of issues of anti-social behaviour in the areas of Dalton Leisure Centre, Vickerstown Park and the area of Combe House.

"These areas have been identified as hotspot locations for activity by officers.

"Following the most recent Police and Communities Together (PACT) survey feedback we are next week (23 to 29 October) holding a week of action targeting anti-social behaviour in those areas.

"We continue to encourage people and businesses to report incidents of anti-social behaviour to us so we can respond and work with our partners to address the issues."