PLANS have been lodged to build four detached suites with hot tubs after previous proposals on the site were rejected.

English Lakes Hotel has submitted a planning application to the Lake District National Park Authority for the construction of four detached suites on the grounds of Low Wood Bay Resort & Spa complex off Ambleside Road, near Windermere.

Previously an application to construct eight detached suites on the site was refused due to the impact of the suites on the landscape.

The Lakes Parish Council objected to the previous plans and said: “This is an over-development of the site and there are serious environmental concerns.

“More units for visitor accommodation increases the pressure on electrical, water and sewage systems which are at capacity.”

According to the planning statement each suite will feature an entrance room, bedroom and bathroom, together with an external covered terrace, which will include a private hot tub.

The suites will feature the amenities that would be expected in a hotel suite and guests staying in the suites will have full access to all the hotel facilities.

The planning statement also set out the economic benefits of constructing the new detached suites.

It stated: “The applicant provides a significant amount of employment in the local area and therefore makes a substantial contribution to the local economy. The proposed development will add to the range of accommodation that is available to guests, thus enhancing the applicant’s offer.

“This will enable them to continue attracting visitors to the area, which helps to deliver a prosperous economy.”

The hotel admits in the planning statement that small areas of the current ecological landscape will be lost but the plans will provide an opportunity to enhance the ecological value of the site.

The planning statement says: “A small area of marshy grassland will be lost to facilitate the development – this is mitigated by the creation of additional marshy grassland elsewhere on the site.

“Green roofs are also proposed on the detached suites, which provides a further opportunity for species enhancement. Existing mature trees will be retained, with appropriate protection put in place during construction. The scheme does require the removal of a limited number of younger trees, but this will be mitigated through a significant amount of tree and shrub planting.”

The planning statement concludes: “The scheme will deliver additional high quality tourist accommodation within an existing tourism site.

“The proposed detached suites will deliver design excellence, in keeping with the quality of the site as a whole. They have been designed to blend into the landscape and will not cause harm to any designated heritage assets, including the English Lake District World Heritage Site.”

The Lake District National Park Authority are yet to make a decision on the plans.