AN INDEPENDENT opticians was able to save a patient’s eyesight using an advanced type of lens for his rapidly declining quality of vision.

Daniel has been a patient at Ramsay and Roberts Eyecare Excellence in Ulverston for several years. Over the past couple of years, the 13-year-old has experienced a rapid decline in his level of vision due to an eye condition called myopia.

Myopia is a refractive error in which close vision is sharp but objects further away may appear blurred. This typically starts developing between the ages of six and 12 and while myopia cannot be cured, there are methods gradually becoming more effective at managing the condition.

Optometrist and director at Ramsay and Roberts Eyecare Excellence Elysia Ramsay suggested that Daniel should try Stellest Myopia Control spectacle lenses, a relatively new technology, in the hope of improving his vision and preventing further decline.

The Mail: The team at Ramsay and Roberts in UlverstonThe team at Ramsay and Roberts in Ulverston (Image: Ramsay and Roberts Eyecare Excellence)

Upon receiving his new spectacles, Daniel was amazed by the clarity and comfort they offered. At his first follow-up appointment, there was a momentous revelation – his prescription had remained stable for the first time since 2018. This represents a significant achievement, as Daniel’s prescription had been steadily increasing by 1 dioptre annually.

Daniel’s mum Katrina said that this will have a 'massive' impact.

She said: “He said that they were the clearest glasses he’s ever had, almost as if he isn’t even wearing any glasses at all.

“Due to the nature of the lenses, there was a slight concern that they would bother him as his ADHD can lead to hypersensitivity sometimes but there were no issues at all and the improvement in his sight is amazing.”

Katrina has also been implementing more frequent breaks from technology and encouraging Daniel to spend more time outside to further improve his eyesight

She said: “It is difficult because you don’t want to stop your kids from having those experiences and opportunities but it’s such a relief to know that these lenses will help to bring some relief for his vision and slow that progression down despite what the future of technology might hold.”

Elysia Ramsay said: “We are thrilled to witness such a positive outcome for Daniel. Myopia control is a critical area of modern eye care, especially considering that the prevalence of myopia among children in the UK has more than doubled in the last 50 years.

"One parent with myopia doubles the chances of a child developing it, with both parents increasing the likelihood fivefold. Both genetics and lifestyle have a role to play in shortsightedness; indicating the importance of eye tests for all children from a young age.’’

“It’s incredibly rewarding to be able to prevent permanent damage to a patient’s eyesight, especially when they are so young. It’s amazing what this new technology can do and we look forward to seeing Daniel thrive in his new spectacle lenses."