A DANCE troupe won several awards at a championship that took place in Southport.

Islanders Dance Troupe, based in Walney, competed from March until September across the north West.

The final competition took place from Friday September 22 until Sunday September 24 in Pontins.

Islanders Dance Troupe competed against more than 20 groups all around the region from Liverpool to Wigan and Oldham. 

Their youngest team, aged from walking to six-years-old, won first place in the championship and championship of the day. The senior troupe, aged 16 plus, was awarded third place.

The team also celebrated the winnings of Addy Stafford as the championship leader, Brydie Johnson as the overall top mascot and the championship mascot of the weekend and Keeley-Jo Leache as the overall senior leader of the year championship and leader of the day.

Coach Joanne Leache received the recognition award of the year in the championship.

Joanne said she was 'amazed' with the championship results.

She said: "It is too good. It is a hard fight there because the competition is really difficult so to get a place where we did is just amazing.

"It is all about the kids for me and I'll do anything for them. 

"We have been going for 29 years, and we have different kids coming every year. We have been UK champions in the past from all different teams."

Joanne runs the Islanders Dance Troupe with her daughter Keeley-Jo Leache and they are now starting a new season for any children who may be interested in joining the group.

Joanne said: "We started our new dance classes to start competing next year. We run from funds, raffles, sponsors and donations. The community in Barrow is absolutely brilliant, but we are starting a brand new season, so the children need new uniforms and dresses."

The dance classes take place at Knox Street Hall in Walney every Sunday and every Wednesday.