THE Mail brought you the news earlier this week that a £4 billion submarine contract had been awarded to BAE Systems in Barrow.

Funds were set out by the government for the next phase of the UK's next-generation nuclear-powered attack submarine programme, known as SSN-AUKUS, which will eventually replace Astute class boats currently being built by BAE.

The funding follows the AUKUS announcement in March by the leaders of Australia, the UK and the United States, which will eventually see Australia and the UK operate SSN-AUKUS submarines.

This will be based on the UK’s next generation design, incorporating technology from all three nations, including cutting-edge US submarine technologies.

BAE is redeveloping the former Debenham’s site in Barrow’s Portland Walk into a complex for training and recruitment.

Barrow’s MP Simon Fell described the contract as a ‘huge moment’ for the area and said the decision would secure jobs in Furness.

READ MORE HERE: BAE Systems’ awarded £4bn AUKUS contract

Here’s how readers reacted to the news on Facebook.

Cath Musetti said: “Brilliant news for Barrow and job/apprentice opportunities for young people. This could be the start of a regeneration of Barrow.”

Philip Ockold said: “About time. Let’s bring some life into the town and build more houses.”

Keith Hill said: Brilliant news for the Furness peninsula.”

Maureen Slater said: “Fab!”

Avril Rae commented: “Wonderful news.”

Colin Wilson said: “They are building a training centre so you don’t have to bring in contractors from afar. How is this not a good thing for the young locals?"

Maria Derbyshire said: “Let’s hope the jobs are going to be for the locals.”

Richard Hargreaves said: “£4bn on a submarine. What a waste.”