BAE Systems Submarines says it has ramped up the support it provides to the communities in which it operates following the launch of a new report.

Focusing on Barrow and Cumbria, but with significant contributions elsewhere in the UK, the company claims it has more than maintained its commitment to invest in people and places, as well as submarine manufacturing.

The company produced its first Social Impact Report last year, covering to the end of 2021.

The second report, encompassing all of 2022, demonstrates what it said was an increase in activities including education, early careers, environmental, supply chain and community investment.

Janet Garner, BAE Systems Submarines' future workforce director, said: "We have continued to increase and enhance the breadth and depth of our support, constantly exploring how we can utilise every aspect of our business to bring about a lasting social, economic and environmental legacy."

The report said there a significant uplift was seen in the provision of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) outreach programmes. The company's STEM Ambassadors get three days-a-year for outreach work supporting young people in schools and colleges.

The number of hours of support provided leapt from 497 in 2021 to 1,691 in 2022.

Aside from education, the company supported 90 community events and initiatives in 2022, including Barrow's Festival of Colours, the Love Barrow Awards and the Queen's Jubilee celebrations.

The company has bought and is redeveloping Barrow town centre retail units that will be used as training and outreach facilities.

The first phase of the campus in Portland Walk is set to open later this year, focusing on careers and employability skills in the local area. 

It is also supporting the building of a University of Cumbria campus on its Barrow site, and will shortly be promoting courses for the 2024/25 academic year to attract and retain graduates in areas such as advance manufacturing, business management, project management, computer science and supply chain.  

Janet said: "We have a range of exciting developments underway in Barrow.

"Our Social Impact Report demonstrates that we are continuing to deliver on day-to-day community support activities at the same time.

"The report helps us understand exactly where that assistance has been directed and will help us maintain our commitment to providing continuing support in the future."