A MAJOR £4 billion submarine contract has been described as a 'huge moment for Furness'.

The Government has awarded some £3.95 billion of funding to BAE Systems for the next phase of the UK's next-generation nuclear-powered attack submarine programme, known as SSN-AUKUS.

SSN-AUKUS fleet will eventually replace Astute class boats, which are being built by BAE in Barrow.

Barrow's MP Simon Fell praised the announcement, saying it would secure jobs in Furness.

He described it as a 'huge moment' for the area, adding: "This announcement reinforces the Government’s continued and clear support for the UK submarine enterprise, supporting thousands of highly skilled UK jobs - including in Barrow - and moves this joint project forwards.

"Delivery is crucial to our national security, and also that of our allies and partners across the globe too.

"This funding will enable BAE, Babcock and Rolls-Royce to invest in infrastructure and critical skills, and to procure the long-lead items needed to move forward to schedule.

"It secures jobs, will grow the economy, and is a clear and very welcome statement of support to everyone involved in this national, and international, endeavour."

BAE is redeveloping the former Debenhams site in Barrow's Portland Walk into a complex for training and recruitment.

The funding follows the AUKUS announcement in March by the leaders of Australia, the UK and the United States.

This will eventually see Australia and the UK operate SSN-AUKUS submarines, which will be based on the UK’s next generation design, incorporating technology from all three nations, including cutting-edge US submarine technologies.

Babcock has signed a five-year contract with the Ministry of Defence to provide input into the detailed design.

Babcock’s contract scope includes applying its extensive experience of complex submarine in-service support and maintenance, to build this into the design to maximise the submarines’ availability throughout its service life.

Babcock CEO David Lockwood said: “Babcock plays a critical role in submarine programmes, supporting submarine availability in the UK and internationally. The importance of applying our extensive knowledge and long-standing experience is being recognised through this contract award to ensure that the new Class delivers the operational availability through life that the Royal Navy requires.

“In addition, we look forward to providing ongoing support to help deliver capability for the Royal Australian Navy under the AUKUS agreement.”