The Medieval Cartmel Festival to celebrate the restoration of the village’s historic marketplace on Saturday drew some 2,000 visitors for a day of historic re-enactments, guided tours and markets.

The village was looking its best decked out with banners with street markets in the Square and outside the 11th Century Priory church.

Activities were launched with the formal unveiling of the restored Market Pinnacle and Fish Slabs by Mike Gibbons of Cartmel Village Society and Mike Lamb the chair of Allithwaite and Cartmel Parish Council.

The crowds were then entertained through the day by a rolling programme of the Caliban’s Dream medieval minstrels, juggling jesters on stilts and dramatic appearances by the Cartmel Friesian Black Horses clattering through the village ridden by armour-clad knights.

The local Iron Shepherds’ medieval peasant re-enactors set up camp in the Priory grounds while a wandering monk was on hand to describe the rigors of monastic life to visitors. Tours of the village and rare public access to the Priory’s Bell tower were quickly sold out.

The yellow-coated volunteers cheerfully greeted spectators, giving directions and answering questions. The day’s events concluded with an evening Celebration in the Priory for locals and helpers and included votes of thanks to the National Lottery Heritage Fund for their generous grant topped up by Cartmel Village Society and Allithwaite and Cartmel Parish Council, raffle prizes donated by local businesses, and the efforts of the organisers and volunteers that had made the day a great success. Even the forecast rain held off until most of the main activities had been completed.

The village is now preparing for its popular Christmas in Cartmel festivities and markets on Friday, November 24 with a reappearance of the Black Horses towing Santa to his Grotto in the Priory.