A THEATRE is hosting a free entertainment day with a registered charity to highlight a national campaign to tackle loneliness and isolation among older people in the UK.

The Forum Theatre on Duke Street in Barrow is holding its ninth annual event in partnership with Age UK Barrow & District on October 1 (Sunday) to celebrate Silver Sunday.

The event is being hosted by local performer Chris Barker and will include a line dancing demonstration and live music from local performers such as Abbey Road, who are set to perform music from the eras from the fifties through to the current day.

There will also be Age UK’s choir, bingo games and an optional Sunday lunch at an additional cost for everyone to enjoy.

Joanne Marwood, events and marketing manager at The Forum said: “We don’t turn anyone away and will try to accommodate everyone as best as we can.

“It’s really important to have national campaigns like this. We feel very passionate about this event especially at the moment because it’s good for everyone’s mental health. We just love opening our doors and welcoming everybody into the venue. It’s just a lovely day all round.”

Silver Sunday was initially launched by the Sir Simon Milton Foundation and is now a day where older people can meet new people, visit new places, try new activities and connect with their local communities and the generations around them.

Christabel Flight, founder of Silver Sunday, said: “Our ambition has always been to create a day in the nations’ hearts where older people feel valued and are given new opportunities to get out of the house, learn new skills, make new friends and connect with the communities and generations around them – if we can have a Father’s Day and Mothering Sunday, why not a day for older people?!”

In 2022, there were more than 1,000 events for older people organised across the country.

Her Majesty The Queen, an advocate of the campaign, said: “As a member of Silver Sunday’s target audience, I can honestly say that it is a completely brilliant initiative.”