A NURSERY has been rated 'Good' following its latest Ofsted inspection report.

Lynwood Ashtree Day Nursery, located in Ashtree House in Newbarns, Barrow, received the rate after the inspection on August 17.

The nursery has 97 children on the roll from babies to four-year-olds and employs 21 members of childcare staff.

This was the first routine inspection the provider received since the COVID-19 pandemic began. The inspector discussed the impact of the pandemic with the provider and has taken that into account in their evaluation of the setting.

The report praised how the children are 'safe and happy' in this 'inclusive' nursery.

It said: "They show strong attachments to their key person or buddy as they welcome them. Babies reach out with a smile. Older children wave goodbye to their parents before helping to hang up their belongings.

"Staff count the stairs or ask them to find an amount of nappies from their bags. This helps to build an understanding of number."

The inspectors have also complimented children's behaviour in the report.

READ MORE: Millom Infant School receives inadequate Ofsted report

It said: "Children behave well. Staff have high expectations, reminding children of positive nursery rules. 

"Children engage in purposeful play as staff give new ideas for the chosen resources.

"For example, staff pretend plastic reels are trumpets. Children laugh and join in with making their own music. Children listen to staff and focus well during song time."

The report also praised the nursery activities, particularly staff's promoting a 'love of reading' amongst the children.

It said: "Children enjoy listening to the stories as staff read with enthusiasm and excitement. In addition, staff remind children of the story as they play. For example, when children choose blocks, they suggest they build a tower like 'Ted'.

"As a result, children often bring books to staff. This helps them develop new vocabulary and understanding."

To further improve the quality of the early years' provision, the report said that the school should: "Support less-experienced staff to recognise when to extend children's learning during their chosen play."