THE company behind an assisted living complex in Barrow could pay £20,000 for damage caused to a woman's home.

Vicki Connell said damage was done to her home, near the Community Integrated Care complex on Rampside Road, Barrow.

Residents in the area have expressed fears for the residents of the property, who have complex needs.

Neighbours have complained of objects being thrown at cars and the windows of people's homes by the tenants.

The care provider has apologised to the householder and is reimbursing people in the area who have had similar damage to property.

Neighbours have complained of objects being thrown at cars and the windows of people's homes by the tenants.

Fears for the wellbeing of the tenants, who have complex needs, have been raised on numerous occasions.

Many properties on West Row were attacked but Vicki's home sustained the most damage.

Vicki, a mental health nurse, said: "This is why the community is scared. My home was trashed. We are looking at around £20,000 worth of damage but this wasn’t this young lad's fault.

"He is unhappy and can’t communicate that - this is him communicating. My own Autism spectrum disorder son was inside the house alone.

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"He's 18 and very quiet and he has a duty to be safeguarded too. 

"My son deserves to be free like the rest of the community to leave their home and this lad deserves to be adequately supported to be able to safely leave his - and that’s not happening."

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At the monthly Roosecote residents' meeting around 100 people attended with the complex top of the agenda.

Samantha Brennan, managing director for Community Integrated Care, said: “We recognise the meeting was an important event for the community to come together and share their concerns with local Councillor, Paul Griffiths.

"In advance of the meeting, we provided a written update to Cllr Griffiths regarding the ongoing situation and the steps we are taking to address this.

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"We are in daily contact with our partners in the community, the NHS and the local authority, to resolve this sensitive and complex situation.

"We apologise for any damage caused to Ms Connell’s property and have confirmed to her that she will be fully compensated for this."

PC Martin Hayes, Community Beat Officer for Roosecote, said: “We are aware of a number of concerns raised by local residents which have been reported to police.

“I would like to reassure all local residents that this is being treated with the utmost seriousness and myself, Cllr Griffiths and the local 'Strong, Safe' team from Barrow Town Hall are putting in a tremendous amount of work behind the scenes to try and bring this to a resolution.

“I would like to reassure the residents of Roosecote that I am here if they need me, so I would encourage anyone with issues to get in touch with me.”