Residents in South Copeland have been invited to attend a community forum to discuss their views on a GDF.

A GDF, or Geographical Disposal Facility, is an underground facility designed to safely and securely dispose of higher-activity radioactive waste.

The meeting is scheduled to take place on Wednesday, September 20 at 6pm at Millom Guide Hall.

Ged McGrath, chair of South Copeland GDF Community Partnership, said: “I’d like to encourage people in South Copeland to register to attend the Community Forum to have a conversation, ask questions, and share your views.

"As a Community Partnership, we’re very keen to hear from the public, so that we can understand their questions and concerns, and fulfil their expectations of us as a Partnership."

The event will involve round-table discussions with other members of the community to help influence future policies put forward.

South Copeland is one of four Search Areas in the UK for a possible GDF with Mid Copeland and Allerdale also representing Cumbrian interest.

Mr McGrath added: "We’re still in the early stages of the GDF programme, but if a suitable site is found in South Copeland, it is ultimately the Potential Host Community that will decide if a GDF is built here.

"That’s why it’s really important that local people understand what a GDF is, why the UK needs one, and what this could mean for our area."

Community Partnerships are long-term groups made up of members and organisations of the local community to consider the possibilities of GDF siting in more detail.

Nuclear Waste Services provides up to £1m a year investment funding for communities, per partnership, rising to £2.5m.

A GDF is located deep underground and is designed to protect people and the environment whilst the radioactivity of the waste naturally decays to safe levels.

Similar programmes are now underway in Canada, Finland, France, Sweden, Switzerland and many other countries.

The process of implementing a GDF could take between 10 and 15 years once a suitable location is found.

Registration for the forum can be done at