A YOUNG boy and his mother are celebrating after 'bagging' all 214 Wainwright pikes.

Seven-year-old Frankie McMillan embarked on the challenge with his mother Basia McMillan when he was only three years old.

On Saturday August 19 the young boy finished climbing all the 214 fells and mountains in Wainwright's Pictorial Guides.

It took the boy four years to complete the English Peaks but only two years and a half of active climbing as they did have to stop the challenge due to the pandemic.

His mother said she had been an 'emotional wreck' over the last few days.

She said: "It was such a big adventure that was going on for four years and it has been our goal for a very long time.

"Every single mountain that we have climbed tells a different story, so for me, it was very emotional because of all the memories.

"Throughout these for years it was seeing him growing and getting resilient and stronger and learning that we can't give up so it was a massive opportunity to develop his character. 

"I just saw him grow while walking those mountains, but we are already planning a second round."

READ MORE: Seven-year-old to set new record climbing Mount Olympus for mountain rescuers

With the 214 Wainwright pikes completed, Frankie can now focus on the Mount Olympus hiking to take place in early September.

Frankie and his mother will be climbing the Greek mountain to fundraise for Wasdale Mountain Rescue Team.

Apart from climbing Greece's highest mountain, Frankie will also be breaking a record, as according to the Hellenic Mountain Guides Association, he will be the youngest Briton ever to climb to the famous 2,918m summit.

Ms McMillan said: "We will be flying in a few days, so we are getting very excited and a bit nervous, but we are very looking forward to it."

Frankie and his mother are still fundraising for the mountain rescue team.

To make a donation, click here.