CONCERNS have been raised following reports of anti-social behaviour incidents in Dalton Community Centre.

The library and the community centre are being targeted daily by teenagers.

Reports include upturn book displays, verbal aggression, intimidating behaviour and one incident involving throwing fire extinguishers.

Such behaviour is causing distress and disruption for both library customers and staff, said Val Robinson, chair of Dalton Community Centre.

"This has a tremendous effect on the uses of the centre," she said.

"When there is a big group of youngsters there, it is intimidating for the people who use the library, and they would rather go back home when there is a large group of teenagers who can be abusive and disrespectful. 

"It would be great if parents were more aware of what their children are doing and how it is affecting the ordinary day-to-day life of Daltonians who come into the library to sit and relax. 

Ms Robinson said there has been an 'increase' in anti-social behaviour over the last four months - especially after the start of the Summer holidays.

"We have had anti-social behaviour in the past, but not as bad as we have encountered now.

"The majority of the problems we have encountered happen in the afternoon at 2pm.

"Following discussions with Barrow Library, they have given us the right to close early if the anti-social behaviour is difficult."

A police spokesperson said officers are 'aware' of the issues reported, and a recent report of damage is 'currently under investigation.'

A spokesperson said: "The local community beat officer has also had meetings with representatives of the library.

"Work is ongoing to address this issue. All officers are aware, and patrols will be conducted in this area. 

"Further work will continue to tackle this issue when the schools return, as all schools will be visited, with officers stressing the impact anti-social behaviour can have."

A spokesperson for Westmorland and Furness Council said: "We are concerned that Dalton Library Link has experienced some wholly unacceptable anti-social behaviour, which has been reported to the police. 

"In the meantime, we are looking at options and talking to Dalton Community Association and the wider community to try to find a solution and hope that those responsible come to understand that their actions are harming an amenity which is provided for everybody's benefit and is well used and valued by many."