RESIDENTS are being encouraged to come and see the first mayor of the newly-formed Barrow Town Council soon. 

Each year, soon after a newly elected mayor comes into office, a service takes place along with a civic procession and parade.

Civic dignitaries, local organisations and members of the public are all invited to celebrate the inauguration of the new Mayor Councillor Christopher Altree. 

This year is particularly poignant as Barrow Town Council was only recently formed after a major local authority shake-up in the county. Cllr Altree was chosen in May as mayor when the council met for the first time at Barrow Town Hall.

The service will take place on Sunday August 20 from 2pm.

A spokesperson for Barrow Town Council said: "The Mayor of Barrow, Councillor Christopher Altree, will attend Divine Service at St. George’s Church, St. George’s Square.

"A civic procession and parade will then assemble in the Town Square, Duke Street from 13.20 pm on this date and an invitation is extended to all those local organisations who normally parade on such an occasion to join the mayor on this date.

"The Parade will leave the Town Square at 1.45pm processing to the Schneider Square Roundabout, then down Duke Street to St. George’s Square and turning left into the church.

"The mayor hopes to receive the support of the town’s people on this occasion."

Speaking at the time of his election, Mayor Altree said: "It’s the honour of a lifetime for this Barrow lad to be mayor of our wonderful town. I will spend this year celebrating all that we have to offer. I believe my job is to shout about it from the rooftops and anyone who’d like me to highlight their work, please get in touch."

Judith McEwan, also Labour, was adopted as Deputy-Mayor and said: "I feel privileged to have been elected and will strive to do this to the highest standard possible."

To find out more about the Civic Sunday procession and parade, visit Barrow Town Council's website.