A BARROW TV producer's new show starring Dara ÓBriain airs in August.

Steve Crabtree's career has seen him become an Executive Producer in BBC Studios.

He worked in Barrow shipyard painting submarines for over seven years before he moved to Carlisle and studied at the art college.

Steve’s two-part documentary, called ‘Wonders of the Moon’, will feature writer, comedian, amateur astronomer and astrophotographer Dara.

The show will explore how the Moon shapes our world and our lives, its impact on time and tide, romance and dreams. 

Dara begins his journey at Newgrange with an ancient archaeological solar calendar before travelling to the coasts of Kent to meet astrobiologist Professor Lewis Dartnell.

He meets Dr. Rohin Francis to dig deeper into the myths surrounding the Moon and Dr. Katie Joy, who studies the Moon rocks brought back from the Apollo missions.

In the second episode Dara visits Jodrell Bank to tell the story of how the first photograph of the far side of the Moon was taken.

He travels to Cologne in Germany to meet Samantha Cristoforetti, a European astronaut who hopes to one day walk on the Moon and tries a Virtual Reality headset used to train astronauts.

Then Dr. Simeon Barber shows Dara some of the miniaturized technology being sent to the moon and Professor Mahesh Anand shows Dara how we could one day use the Moons resources.

The first episode of ‘Wonders of the Moon’ with Dara Ó Briain will hit Channel 5 on Tuesday August 1 and Wednesday August 2.