ACCESS to a Barrow's quayside has been blocked after people jumped in the dock to swim.

Associated British Ports has closed access to the Buccleuch Dock promenade after reports of people swimming. 

Swimming is not permitted in the area due to safety concerns.

It has led to police upping patrols in the area and giving advice to those who took part.

A spokesperson for Cumbria police said: "We are aware, having been reported to us by ABP. As a result of the reports, we have increased patrols in the area and have details of those involved who have been issued with ‘It’s Your Choice Forms’."

"It's Your Choice' forms are used to ensure we update parents on the behaviour of their children for those offences that fall below a criminal offence. The forms result in letters being sent home, home visits, and intervention work to change behaviour." 

"It is reported damage has been caused to railings in the area."

Last month, ABP’s Port Barrow held a Water Safety Day with local community groups and emergency services to remind young people just how dangerous this can be.

The Mail: The school children learning about water safety

Some 272 local school pupils attended who learnt about the dangers of open water and the importance of keeping safe. The children engaged in a number of interactive activities where they learned life-saving advice including first aid and how to use water rescue safety equipment.

They also enjoyed a live rescue demonstration from the crew of PNTL’s Pacific Heron on board their new Fast Rescue Boat in Buccleuch and worked with Love Barrow Families and ABP to design quayside safety posters.

At the end of the day, they were presented with a water safety certificate to remember the day.

Bryan Davies, Divisional Port Manager, ABP said: "ABP is committed to raising awareness around the important issue of water safety and highlighting the dangers of swimming or jumping into open water.

"Especially in hot weather it can be tempting to swim in docks, like those at Town Quay, however docks are not a safe place to swim.

The Mail: The children at Buccleuch Dock

"Apart from being industrial centres, they pose a danger due to steep walls, which make it difficult to escape.

"It was great to see so many young people actively engaging on the day and taking home the key message that docks are not a safe place to swim and we are grateful to the partner organisations who, despite the weather, came together to make the day a success."

Access to Town Quay will be reopened for the Tall Ships event on August 5 to 7.

 To find out more about water safety, please visit Cumbria Fire and Rescue's website.