MORE evidence has been heard of three brothers on trial accused of grooming and sexually exploiting underage girls in Barrow.

The jury heard of a witness and complainant in relation to Amran Miah's intimidation charge. The witness said she saw drivers going out on deliveries on their own but coming back with young girls in their school uniform, said prosecutor Tim Evans.

He said: "She regularly saw young girls attend and go and sit upstairs, or else going out with the drivers on deliveries."

She details how she was asked to be interviewed after police investigated an address where members of the Miah family would allegedly go to party after work with friends from Leeds.

READ MORE: Brothers on trial for historic sex offences in Barrow and Leeds

However, the interview never took place because Amran visited her home address and threatened that he would ‘get her house set on fire’ if she said anything to the police, said Mr Evans.

The jury at Preston Crown Court heard how another alleged victim of sexual assault committed by Amran, 47, regularly saw two other girls at Iesha’s, their family-run takeaway, in their school uniform drinking alcohol with Asian men.

Mr Evans said she was taken to a house not far from the takeaway by Amran.

He told the jury how he began touching her thigh while they were chatting before then picking up her legs from the floor to lay her flat on the sofa where he pinned her down.

He then proceeded to reassure the girl before kissing her neck, groping her breast and then moving his hand down her body, which she pushed away before he could do anything else, said Mr Evans.

Despite being told to stop, the defendant then attempted to make her perform a sex act on him, said Mr Evans. However, she pulled her hand back telling him ‘I don’t want to’, the jury heard.

Amran claimed ‘it was only a bit of fun’ but she told him she wanted to go home, the court heard. He then asked her to sit back down but she refused.

It was alleged by Mr Evans Amran then got dressed and while standing next to her said, ‘You have beautiful eyes' before kissing her on the lips.  

It was only when she said she wanted to go for a second time that the defendant realised the game was up, Mr Evans said.

Amran Miah denies 14 sexual offences, two charges of intimidation and one count of kidnap, Joman Miah, 37, denies 34 sexual offences and Alman Miah, 46, denies two.

The trial continues.