CAFFEINE enthusiasts are in for a treat with a new coffee van opening in Barrow.

Coffee D'ash, a portable shop on wheels, is opening at Barrow Outdoor Market in Portland Walk on Saturday.

The business, founded by Ash Holroyd, will be selling cold drinks as well as cappuccinos and espresso.

The concept is based on selling good quality coffee at good prices as opposed to 'inflated market prices,' said Ash.

He said: "My brother-in-law is Italian and he says that in the UK coffee is expensive because in Italy you can still get an expresso for a euro.

"He baffles that the coffee here has a price that doesn't need to especially when it is not great quality either. 

"We got the idea to develop the concept as a wheel shop last year."

Ash is sourcing his coffee beans from a roasters company in Huddersfield, where he is from.

He said: "They use the highest quality coffee beans that is 100 per cent arabica whereas there are some other chain coffee companies that use a blend of arabica and robusta which is higher in caffeine but lower quality and cheaper."

Visitors can expect an espresso for £1.65.

"I disagree with paying £2 for an espresso - it is a shot of coffee. I'm charging £1.65 to cover all additional costs and then £1 to cover the coffee," said Ash.

He will be open on Saturdays 10am to 3pm and Monday to Friday from 8pm until 2pm.

Ash said he wants to 'create an experience' where people go to the town centre to get a coffee. 

He added: "I'm trying to sell the experience of having a good coffee with a smile.

"I want to work with other traders and shops and the community in Barrow to create a food festival on Portland Walk or a Market Festival where we celebrate the market traders of Barrow. 

"Portland Walk has been so empty at the minute so not a lot of people go down there so I'm trying to bring life back to that area."