We shared a picture of the UK’s filthiest car; it was crowned the winner in a competition to find the messiest car owner.

More than 200 people tagged their friends and family, saying “your car looks like this.”

Danielle Erner was tagged, and admitted, “yeah, my car is way worse!”

Yasmin Hipkiss said she “should’ve won this,” and Nicola Edwards tagged a friend, saying: “Is this your car!?”

When Fin Everett was tagged they replied: “Cleaned it actually!”

Dan Sexton said he would win a competition for messiest car, “I’d show them how it’s done,” and Sophie Moore told her friend, “you're winning this!”

Claire Clegg tagged a friend and asked: “Is this yours?”

Rebecca Heighton denied an accusation from her friend, and said her car is “not quite as bad.”

Ben Thompson replied: “Nothing wrong with mine?!"

Anthony Fallows said he knew someone who “should’ve gone in for this,” and Nicole Gilmour told her friend, “yours makes this look good babes.”

Shannon Royle said: “At least mine ain’t that bad!”

Kiha Walker told a friend she “should have won this,” and Lesley Devereux-newton tagged a mate, saying: “Yours can beat this at times!”

Nic Haffner said her boys have caused big messes before but her “new car is doing well and still clean!”

Bradley Bibby said you should see his mate’s car, and Sadie Wilkinson tagged a friend, adding: “Might win some money here!”

Peter Swindlehurst tagged a friend saying: “Yours makes this look tidy,” and Chris Raven replied: “I didn't think anyone could beat me!”

Tony Sayle asked Hannah Loughnane “is it yours?” And she replied: “Mine’s spotless thank you!”

Kara Griffiths warned her friend, saying: “Don’t you dare tag me!”

Justine Slone said he bets he and his friend “could both beat this,” and Lorraine Warrington said: “Totally my car.”

Kerry Clarke tagged a friend, saying: “You thought your car was bad,” and Julie McKenna said she is “sure” her friend could have won if she had entered.

Jill Burrows asked her friend if she had won the competition, and Susan Jones said: “....these are amateurs!”