An official inauguration took place in Dalton at the weekend to celebrate its new mayor.

Nick Perie, who took over from Councillor Sam Ronson on May 10, has served as Mayor three times before.

This was once in 2016-17 and then double years in 2019-21.

Held at Dalton Community Church on Sunday, Civic Sunday was attended by Cllr Julia Dunlop, the mayor of Kendal, Cllr Chris Altree, the mayor of Barrow and Cllr David Webster, the deputy mayor of Ulverston. 

The Mail: Mayor Nick Perie with Cllr Tony Callister and Janice Callister with Neil Caterer McDougall

Cllr Perie said: "It is a very humbling and exciting experience to be the Mayor again but I hope that we can continue the good work that Cllr Sam Ronson achieved and build upon it. I will strive to represent Dalton both at home and further afield to the best of my ability, as always."

The ceremony included Standard bearers from the British Legion along with members of the Dalton Community Association and the Scouts and Guides.

The Mail: First Duddon Scouts and the Girl Guides

Each of the mayor's consorts also attended along with Westmorland and Furness councillors, Dalton Town councillors and family and friends of the mayor. Karen Edmondson from Cumbria Deaf Association also signed at the event.

Cllr David Webster, deputy mayor of Ulverston, said: "It is a great honour to be elected to the office of mayor and I know that Nick will carry out that role with dedication and enthusiasm."

The Mail: Reverend Kate from Dalton Community church with Cllr Dave J Taylor

The ceremony came the day after Celebrate Dalton Day.

He launched the new Heritage Trail while children paraded with butterfly-themed banners. The day also saw many events and attractions including the town band performing, arts and crafts stalls, a classic car display and an army cadet assault course.

The day was hailed as a great success with many local businesses and organisations as well as a perfect way for the people of Dalton to meet its new mayor.