PEOPLE will ditch their kit as they walk across the sands of the Morecambe Bay this weekend.

The nudist charity walk is encouraging people to ‘leave your clothes behind and feel the breeze on your skin’ as they walk across the Bay from Arnside to Grange on Sunday.

Organisers recommend wearing ‘good sandals’ but advise removing them when wading across the river.

The Naked Heart Walks are organised by British Naturism to raise money for the British Heart Foundation.

The organisers said: “Heart and circulatory diseases are the world’s biggest killers, and they can affect any of us, including you.

“But thanks to the research the British Heart Foundation is funding, there is hope. By backing the brightest scientific minds, we have the power to find treatments and cures that could make the difference between your parents living to old age or not, your friend making it to graduation or not, your sister being a phone call away or not.”

Dogs are welcome at the events with a £1 donation payable on the day, but there will be no children allowed as this is strictly an 18 and over event.

The event is expected to take around three and a half hours and it will set off from the Promenade in Arnside.

Tickets to the walk can be purchased here: You can contact the organiser at: