THE BEER garden of a popular pub in Barrow is set for a revamp after planners gave the go-ahead for a series of facelifts to three historic outbuildings.

Crofters on Holbeck Park Avenue in Roose applied for Listed Building Consent to Barrow Borough Council back in June 2022 to renovate three dilapidated Grade-II Listed 'Piggeries' buildings within the pub's grounds to extend its outdoor eating and drinking provision.

The pub, owned by hospitality business Daniel Thwaite, and the Piggeries, are part of a former farm complex dating back to 1832, according to the date on the foundation stones.

The large beer garden is already a popular spot with pubgoers but the application highlighted the need for increasing its outdoor offering to customers.

The Design and Access Statement said: "The proposal is for a new independent frameless glass canopy supported on a steel frame, protective grilles and gates to the Piggeries and removal of all vegetation to the building fabric, repair of roofs and hydraulic lime mortar repointing to extend the beer garden to facilitate external eating and drinking under shelter – especially relevant after the pandemic."

The statement says that all existing outdoor seating will be retained.

The three Piggeries are located to the west of the main outdoor area, and the Heritage Statement submitted with the application outlines how the works will make 'a positive contribution to local character and distinctiveness'.

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It says: "The proposal is to install a glazed link between two of the buildings.

"This has been designed as a glazed structure so as to provide a temporary approach that does not compete with the heritage assets, but at the same time does not impact upon the setting due to its transparency.

"Likewise, the interventions to the external envelope of the Piggeries through the introduction of grilles will be of a more contemporary nature, whilst being a respectful design, colour, and scale.

"The repair works will conform to the principles of conservative repair and maintain character."

The Design and Access Statement says that the glass canopy will be totally independent of the Listed Building fabric of the Piggeries.