It's the last chance for Barrow residents to have a say on improving cycling, walking and wheeling routes across the town. 

The ambitious plans are to provide safe, healthy and environmentally friendly travel options.

Westmorland and Furness Council launched a consultation on May 19 inviting views on various design options for the cycling, walking and wheeling routes. When completed, these will form a wider network that connects Abbey Road from Park Drive down to Ramsden Square, through the town centre and right across Walney Island from the promenade to Earnse Bay.

The Mail: Walney promenade designWalney promenade design (Image: Westmorland and Furness council)

The consultation runs until June 9 with two sections of the route being consulted on. These are the stretch along Abbey Road and the route that crosses the northern end of Walney Island.

The alignment of both routes has already been agreed, following previous consultations on the Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) in 2021 and 2022, and this latest consultation will focus on asking for people’s feedback on the designs.

The Mail: Barrow residents can have a say on the new cycle and walking routes

The routes will connect residential areas with major employment and education sites such as BAE Systems, Furness General Hospital, Furness College and the town centre. They also aim to give better access to green spaces and the coast, with leisure-based route options around the edge of town and on Walney.

Councillor Neil Hughes, Westmorland and Furness Council’s Cabinet member for Transport, said: "We want as many people as possible to let us know what they think of the design options for the two routes.

The Mail: One of the options for Abbey RoadOne of the options for Abbey Road (Image: Westmorland and Furness council)

"Barrow already boasts a strong history and culture of cycling, particularly linked to the town’s main employer at the shipyard, and many Barrow residents will recall the shipyard’s heyday when thousands of workers would commute to work by bike.

"The compact nature of the town and small travel to work area still creates ideal conditions for cycling, walking and wheeling, with most trips to work taking place within the immediate town to a small number of major employers."

People can view plans, read more about the design options and have their say in an online survey.

The Mail: One of the options for Abbey RoadOne of the options for Abbey Road (Image: Westmorland and Furness council)

The last consultation is Tuesday June 6 where people can drop-in, view copies of the plans and the consultation document and fill-out paper versions of the consultation.

This will take place at The Roundhouse, Biggar Bank, Walney, LA14 3YE  from noon to 4pm. For more information, please visit the Westmorland and Furness Council website.