A COUPLE enjoyed a date night to remember thanks to a caring nurse.

Ray is receiving palliative care at St Mary's Hospice in Ulverston and asked that his nurse Brogan help him to recreate one of the date nights he and his wife Jan have had in their marriage.

Brogan organised the whole date - complete with the pair's favourite music, free-of-charge Italian dishes from Betulla’s of Ulverston and drinks.

The nurse, who also helped Ray to write a message in a card for Jan, went to the hospice on her day off to decorate its courtyard with candles, balloons and flowers.

Funding for the date night came from Smile 4 Smithy - The Craig Smith Charitable Foundation.

The foundation was set up by David Smith, of Windermere, in memory of his son who died from cancer, and raises money to support those suffering from cancer, so that they and their loved ones can make memories.

He lost his battle with cancer in October 2018 - aged 40.

Messages left a post shared by the hospice about the special night praised Brogan for going the extra mile to create memories for the couple.

One said: "Such a thoughtful caring gesture creating beautiful memories to cherish. We are so lucky to have such an amazing hospice and nurses like Brogan who go above and beyond."

Another said: "Absolutely fantastic the effort you have all made to make his special moment. Brogan sounds like an amazing caring young lady."

One hospice worker added: "There wasn't a dry eye in the house. So proud to work alongside such caring colleagues."

The hospice gave us permission to share the story with our readers.