UNITED Utilities has responded to an upcoming 'paddle out' Surfers Against Sewage protest at Borrans Park in Ambleside. 

The protest will be happening on Saturday, May 20. The protesters pointed to the £3.18 million the previous United Utilities chief executive officer Steven Mogford made in total compensation in 2022, according to the Economic Research Institute. 

Catherine Higgins and Dougie Jardine, from the group, said: "Windermere needs saving! They have not invested in the technology that exists to stop the polluting! People are getting ill, dogs are getting very ill, plants are dying out, the fish are dead! It's a joke. It's not getting better." 

Kevin Sayers, Area Engagement Lead, for United Utilities, said: “We have heard loud and clear what people think and we’re determined to deliver a step change in our performance and its contribution to the overall health of Windermere. Many of us live as well as work in the local community and we all care passionately about the lake and what we do on behalf of customers.

“The community wants action and that’s exactly what we are doing. We’ve already invested £45m to improve the treatment works which is reducing both phosphorus levels and spills into the Windermere catchment.  

"We’ve also been given approval to bring forward a further £19m investment so this will be spent over the next two years to help reduce storm overflow operations even further at Elterwater pumping station, Ambleside, Hawkshead and Near Sawrey wastewater treatment works. In total, spend of £297 million is being accelerated to reduce spills from 47 storm overflows in Cumbria.

“People can come along and hear more about our plans and what has been done so far in a series of drop-in sessions which are being held from 10 – 5pm at Brockhole on May 23 and 24 and from 3pm – 7pm at the Marchesi Centre on May 25 and 26.

“In the last few weeks, scientists from Lancaster University and the Freshwater Biological Association have published the latest results from the largest ever citizen science survey examining the water quality of the Lake. 

"The latest results from the Big Windermere survey show that bacteria levels at all of the sites surveyed would meet good or excellent bathing water quality under the European Union Bathing Water Directive. The four bathing sites at Windermere also continue to meet excellent status and have done for a number of years.”