A CHARITABLE man is preparing for his eleventh consecutive year of taking on the Fred Whitton Challenge.

Tim King, also known as Timmy Tracksuit, got the ‘buzz for it’ after his first challenge which he completed on a mountain bike.

The 112 mile sportive around the Lake District, starting at Grasmere and taking in climbs of Kirkstone, Honister, Newlands, Whinlatter, Hardknott, Wrynose and Blea Tarn passes, will take place on Sunday, May 7.

New to the area, Tim felt that the challenge brought him closer to the community.

He said: “Doing the Fred Whitton you do a tour of the Lakes and it just brought it all into focus and brought meaning.

“It’s really done a lot for me to make me feel a part of this community.

“Once you’ve done it, it’s just such a special, captivating event. It pulled me.

“It’s just fabulous, it’s the most fabulous route through some of the most beautiful countryside in the world and it’s a privilege to do it with so many likeminded people.”

Tim, owner of a golden Fred Whitton jersey, has single-handedly raised one per cent of the funds that have been raised through the Fred Whitton event since it began.

“Including last year’s it’s running at about £22,000,” said Tim.

So far this year, his fundraising page has seen £836 in donations which will be donated to the North West Ambulance Service.

Tim is aiming to make his fastest time yet. He said: “I’m 58 this year and every year I’ve tried to improve my time, my biggest challenge is trying to get under seven hours.”

Tim is known as his cycling persona, Timmy Tracksuit, a name which he picked up in the school playground.

He explained that when he was a 14-year-old schoolboy near Croydon, his mum would often visit a ‘bargain basement’.

He said: “One of the things she decided to buy was a two-piece red tracksuit which wasn’t intended to be together.

“Flairs on the trousers and zip up lapel 1970s top.

“I was wearing this running round the sports field and even as a child I wasn’t small.

“And all my mates from the other side of the pitch were chanting Timmy Tracksuit. At the time I didn’t really appreciate it but I’ve grown into it.”

If you would like to make a donation to Tim’s fundraiser, visit: www.justgiving.com/page/timmytracksuit-fwc-2023