MEMBERS of a historical society in Millom are delighted to learn that one of the most exciting archaeological finds of recent times has yielded more clues that confirm its age.

Amateur metal detectorist Josh Carr, 27, unearthed a hoard of six axe heads, that he, along with the Millom and District Local History Society, thought were likely to be late Bronze Age, therefore possibly around 3,000 years old.

One of the six axe heads that Josh found in Millom has dried out and pieces of a Bronze Age sword have dropped out.

These have been identified by small finds expert Dot Boughton as either a Ewart Park Phase sword, from 800-700BC, or a Wilburton Type sword, dating from between 1140-1020 BC.

The dating of the fragments of the sword will be a boon to the society, which recently secured a grant of £5,500 from Copeland Borough Council to undertake a geophysical survey of the area.

This was largely due to a plethora of historical findings around Millom, by Josh and other local historians.

The aim of the survey is to find proof of the existence of a prehistoric settlement or hillfort in the area, and is due to begin imminently.