A BARROW man’s commitment to the continuing provision of a vital youth service for the area’s young has been recognised with the 2023 Peter Scott Award for Outstanding Contribution to Charity.

Les McLeese is the ninth person to receive the annual award from the Francis Scott Trust.

It was first given in 2014 in memory of local businessman and philanthropist Peter Scott CBE of the Provincial Insurance Company.

Presenting Les with his award was Alex Scott, Mr Scott’s son.

A delighted Les said: "In 2006 we started YouthAbility to open up new opportunities for young people with special needs.

“Largely dependent on volunteers, we’ve just kept on growing.

“We now support over 130 young people a week with a number of activities, and we’re still growing.

“Last year we became independent of the charity Leonard Cheshire and became YouthAbility Youth Services.”

Director Helen Carter, from the Francis Scott Trust, who organises the award, explained why Les is so deserving of it.

She said: “Despite the success of YouthAbility in 2021 it was going to be shut down and Les was offered redundancy.

“It’s what he did next that makes him such a fitting candidate for the Peter Scott Award.

“Instead of accepting the loss of the service, within a few days Les had set up a new organisation and negotiated with Leonard Cheshire to support the transition of the programme and secure its future.

“Since then Les has driven the development and creation of the new organisation, Youthability Youth Services.

“He is completely motivated to ensure that no generation or young person is left without opportunities to take part. It’s something he sees as especially important at this time.”

The award comes with a grant of £2,500, which Les will use to organise a summer residential trip for attendees of YouthAbility Youth Services.

Anyone wanting to find out more or to volunteer can go to the YouthAbility Youth Services Facebook page or call 07734 209095 or email lesmcleese@youthabilityservices.org