Readers have congratulated a man who lost inches off his waistline and ‘reversed’ his type two diabetes.

Lewis Kelly from Dalton, who has Down Syndrome, has lost an incredible six stone during his journey with Slimming World and has earned himself many awards including ‘Mr Sleek’.

Grant Huck said: “Wow. That’s amazing Lewis. So pleased for you.

"Ann Dixon said: “Well done young man,” and Kelsey Kelly said: “My gorgeous brother so proud of you Lewis Kelly!”

Sheila Mitton said: “Well done Lewis, yay! what a star and inspiration."

And Deborah Wilson said: “Well done Lewis! How amazing, but you’re amazing always.”

Louise Storey said: “Just amazing Lewis, what a story."

Sam Bowker said: “Well done Lewis Kelly so proud of you. An inspiration and a star."

Callum Byrne said: “Lovely lad. Always polite. Absolute credit to you and your family."