BARROW Borough Council has denied claims that they have ‘downplayed’ an investigation into South Lakes Safari Zoo.

The allegation was made by wildlife charity Born Free Foundation (BFF) which said animal welfare at Dalton Zoo remains a 'major concern'

A special council inspection was undertaken at South Lakes Safari Zoo in November in response to reports received, over recent months, from the Zoo Investment Company (ZIC), the landlord, as well from animal welfare organisation Born Free Foundation (BFF).

The reports highlighted concerns that ZIC had about the management of South Lakes Safari Zoo (SLSZ), managed by Cumbria Zoo Company Ltd. (CZCL), and its compliance with the Zoo Licensing Act 1981.

The BFF report stemmed from an unannounced visit to the zoo in October after the organisation had received reports of concern regarding the animals at the zoo.

The BFF claimed it received 13 separate complaints from members of the public since June 2021 in relation to conditions at South Lakes Safari Zoo.

The wildlife charity said an investigation into conditions at the zoo found the facility 'fails to meet even basic standards' of animal welfare.

READ MORE: South Lakes Safari Zoo comes under spotlight at meeting

The findings of Barrow Borough Council's inspection were released in a report published online earlier this month. The council said that rodents had been found in 'multiple areas' at the site and that rhinos spent a 'significant proportion' of their time in restricted stables.

However, it did say the animal enclosures were maintained in a way that 'appears to meet the secretary of state's standards of modern zoo practice' and that animals requiring medical attention received 'appropriate levels of care in a timely manner'.

SLZS provided a response to the council's concerns, which read: "Overall, we feel that the council's inspection findings support our assertion that the claims made by the BFF and ZIC are unfounded and without merit."

Born Free has since responded to the council's findings, stating that although it welcomes some aspects of the report, 'flawed' inspection process may have hindered findings.

A spokesman went on to say that the council inspection team appeared to downplay the findings of Born Free's investigation.

Barrow Borough Council has now refuted the claims.

READ MORE: Company wades in on 'harassment' claims at South Lakes Safari Zoo

Councillor Tony Callister, chair of Barrow Borough Council's Licensing Regulatory Committee, said: "The council takes allegations of the nature made by the Born Free Foundation very seriously and we thank them for their correspondence regarding South Lakes Safari Zoo.

"The council commissioned a Defra-approved, qualified zoo vet to visit the zoo and compile an independent report which the council has published in full along with accompanying reports and documentation.

"It is simply not true that the council has downplayed this report or its findings in any way.

"The council's remit is to ensure the zoo complies with the terms of its licence according to the Zoo Licensing Act 1981, following a protocol set by the Act.

"A number of conditions and directions have been set by the Council's Licensing Regulatory Committee following receipt of the independent report and these will be monitored regularly to ensure they are met."