A CAMPAIGNER has submitted a planning objection questioning whether Ambleside Wastewater Treatment Works would be able to pump sewage from 40 new homes. 

Matt Staniek, who has become a known local and national figure through his Save Windermere Campaign, does not think that Ambleside Wastewater Treatment Works (WwTWs) would be able to process the sewage coming from the proposed local occupancy and affordable homes at Loughrigg Park. 

In the objection, Mr Staniek wrote: "It has not identified whether the existing foul water network infrastructure will have the capacity and ability to accommodate the needs of this development proposal. Thus, in essence, there is no clarity as to whether without an upgrade to the sewer network serving the site there will be an increased risk of local sewer flooding, including to properties."

Mr Staniek also pointed to a report from the campaign group Windrush Against Sewage Pollution which alleges that water company United Utilities (UU) allowed 38 days of illegal spilling into the River Rothay in 2018 and 2019, breaching its permit issued by the Environment Agency (EA). 

No spill data is available for 2020 due to an ongoing investigation by the EA. UU is legally allowed to discharge sewage in times of exceptional rainfall.

Mr Staniek argues that granting the proposal would condone UU's current system and would 'increase further the spilling of untreated and poorly treated sewage into the Windermere catchment.' 

UU argues that its facilities fall in line with a local plan arranged with Lake District National Parks Authority which accounts for further development in the area.  

READ MORE: Proposed Ambleside development receives objections

A UU spokesperson said:  “In 2020 we completed a multi-million-pound upgrade at Ambleside WwTW which has raised the standard of treatment and increased the capacity of the plant to allow for growth from development and tourism up until 2036. The forecast for this investment was based on the local development plan in conjunction with the local planning authority.”

It reiterated that it could not provide full data for sewage discharge from Ambleside WwTW from 2019 to 21 because of an ongoing investigation by the EA.