DURING essential maintenance work at Barrow Town Hall a surveyor took photos of the roof giving never-before-seen views of the Grade-II listed building. 

The photos were taken by Barrow Borough Council's (BBC) building surveyor Andy Hartley from the top of the roof. 

The Mail: The town hall's slated roof needed work done to it The town hall's slated roof needed work done to it (Image: Barrow Borough Council)

Barrow council said the work has involved slate repairs, cleaning out rainwater goods and clearing vegetation from the clock towers.

The Mail: A close view of one of the towers A close view of one of the towers (Image: Barrow Borough Council)

Andy is pictured with Paul Farish, who works on behalf of BBC's contractors Hughes Brothers. The photo of both of them was taken on a hopper in front of the famous clock tower.

The Mail: A close view of the clock towerA close view of the clock tower (Image: Barrow Borough Council)

BBC said that Paul has been working at heights of up to 50metres to get the job done. 

The Mail: The view from the roof of Barrow Town Hall - don't look down! The view from the roof of Barrow Town Hall - don't look down! (Image: Barrow Borough Council)

It also said that following leak damage, the same company that did the renovation works for Big Ben will fix the clock as there is only 'one big clock repairer' in England that can do the job.

The Mail: The hopper bringing Paul and Andy to the top of the clock tower The hopper bringing Paul and Andy to the top of the clock tower (Image: Barrow Borough Council)