PIERS Morgan has branded Eleanor Williams an "evil fantasist".

The controversial TV host made the comment during an interview with a man who was charged with rape and remanded in custody following her false claims.

Jordan Trengove, who was 18 when Williams claimed he had raped her three times, appeared on Piers Morgan Uncensored on Talk TV.

Introducing the interview, Mr Morgan described Williams "an evil woman fantasist".

He described the case as "shocking" and "appalling", saying "this is what lies can do to somebody's life".

Appearing alongside his partner Kayla Wilkinson, Mr Trengove described how the false accusations had affected him.

He said: "It's affected me mentally, physically, I don't like leaving the house."

Mr Trengove also said some people had refused to accept he was innocent of the crimes he had been accused of.

"My next door neighbour believes Ellie and has for a long time," he said. 

"She's had complaints in to our housing association that I'm a rapist.

"My landlord came to our house and questioned Kayla on her own in front of the children, saying why have you not told me Jordan's been a convicted rapist.

"Obviously I wasn't convicted, I was only on remand."

Describing how his partner had supported him, Mr Trengove said: "If it wasn't for her I think I'd be dead now. Because those allegations ruined my life."

Ending the interview Mr Morgan said: "When I hear your story I find it completely disgusting and I'm just so sorry for what you've been through."

Williams claimed that Mr Trengove raped her at a friend's house after a night out and on two other occasions at her flat on Barrow lsland.

The court heard that on one of the nights in question he had been taken home by the police around the time he was said to have assaulted the defendant.

On another he said he had been at home playing video games all night. Others in the house told the court he had not gone out.  

Jurors were told how Williams had used Snapchat messages apparently sent by Mr Trengove - in which he confessed to assaulting her - as evidence he had raped her.

But police found accounts used to send the messages had been created using the wi-fi at an address in Walney's Teasdale Road - the defendant's family home. 

Williams is due to be sentenced for perverting the course of justice on March 13 and 14.