A PENSIONER with a history of depression died after taking an overdose of paracetamol, an inquest heard.

Bryan Atkinson died the age of 93 on December 26 2021, an inquest held at Cockermouth Coroner’s Court was told.

Mr Atkinson, who lived in Hall Street, had a number of medical conditions including a past medical history of depression.

Coroner Robert Cohen recorded a verdict of suicide.

Mr Atkinson - a retired labourer – was found unresponsive at his home in Barrow on Boxing Day 2021.

Emergency services were called and paramedics pronounced Mr Atkinson dead at 9.52am.

According to a post-mortem report, Mr Atkinson had taken an overdose of paracetamol which had subsequently caused his death.

Mr Atkinson, who was born in Clitheroe, was a widower of retired home carer Hilda Atkinson.

A medical cause of death was given as paracetamol toxicity and ischaemic and hypertensive heart disease.

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