THIS is the MP for Barrow and Furness Simon Fell's weekly column. 

Last week I mentioned the serious impacts the Covid aftermath is still having on the NHS. The repercussions of the illegal invasion of Ukraine by Russia are even more widely felt – internationally, nationally and even here in Barrow and Furness.  

For example, on Tuesday I chaired a meeting of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Cyber Security, and heard from experts about the challenges faced by those venturing online for the first time. The generation who banked over the counter, and whose news came through the letterbox, are increasingly required to live their lives online but have never been taught about the fraud risks and how to avoid them. Some of the stories we heard were horrific. Many of the criminal gangs perpetrating these crimes are based in Russia and associated countries, and are deliberately acting to undermine the UK through such cyber-attacks. On Thursday I therefore asked a Question in the House about how the national cyber-security strategy will support those going online for the first time. 

I asked a further Question about Russian oil. We are all making sacrifices by ensuring that we do not buy oil from Russia. Third parties like China, however, are buying it at rock bottom prices and reselling it at a profit to the West.  The purpose of my Question was to ensure that we are doing all we can to stop that resale, which simply undermines the sanctions and gives succour to Putin and his illegal war. 

Repercussions from Russia are therefore closer to home than we sometimes think. If you are struggling with fraud/scams or with the cost of living, and aren’t sure where to turn, do please contact me and I will be pleased to advise (01229 314 220 or 

On Wednesday I met the Pensions Minister to discuss pension credits. If you are over State Pension age, do check your eligibility ( or call 0800 999 1234), otherwise you may be missing out on an average of £3,500 a year.  And if you apply by 18 December, you could also be entitled to an extra £324 cost of living payment. 

On Tuesday I ‘banged the drum’ for Barrow and Furness when I met the Policy Team in Downing Street with John Stevenson MP, the Chair of the Northern Research Group, discussing levelling up and the issues that you are telling me matter the most to you. Later that day I met the DWP Minister to discuss our campaign to keep Phoenix House and its highly skilled staff working here in Barrow. We have been inundated with support from the asbestos and mesothelioma groups across the country on the need to keep the service here. The Minister will now review the matter and we will meet again in a few weeks to continue the discussion. 

Finally, I had a great time on Wednesday meeting the 17th Barrow Scout Group to answer questions about democracy, how decisions are made, and much more. They were fantastic to talk to, really engaged and forward-thinking – a real credit to the community.