A ‘CARING and clever’ son who struggled with both mental and physical issues sadly took his own life, an inquest heard.

Daniel Mulcaster tragically died on March 23 in a location near Cark.

The 41-year-old struggled with various mental and physical issues including cluster headaches and IBS throughout his life.

In an inquest held at Cockermouth Coroners’ Court yesterday, David Mulcaster described his son as an ‘inquisitive’ child who loved the outdoors.

“He was a happy and contented child,” said Mr Mulcaster.

“He thrived at Ulverston Victoria High School and loved his school years.”

Daniel studied his A-Levels at Barrow Sixth Form and set his sights on becoming a pathologist, the court heard, before enrolling at Durham University to study chemistry.

Unfortunately, Daniel struggled with his studies and dropped out of university, the court was told.

Daniel began engaging with a mental health worker who helped him believe in himself again and he soon began a job in Aberdeen working with young people with learning disabilities.

He completed a diploma in higher education in 2007 and took a job in Northern Ireland, moving up the ranks to senior manager.

In 2014, Daniel was struggling with his mental and physical health and came back to live in Ulverston before embarking on a career in London.

Three years later, Daniel moved in with his brother in Dalton and ‘didn’t seem to be coping’ with his mental health.

He accepted a project manager job in Morecambe before moving in with his girlfriend in Barrow.

Mr Mulcaster told the court he had not seen his son much over the past few years despite moving closer to home.

“The last few months of his life were nothing out of the ordinary,” said Mr Mulcaster.

“The last time he made contact was on New Year’s Day. I remember all the wonderful memories of his life I have left.”

Daniel’s former partner, Elizabeth Logan, told the court that she met Daniel in January 2019 whilst working at a care home in Ulverston.

The pair moved in together in September 2019 and Ms Logan’s kids ‘loved’ Daniel.

Ms Logan said Daniel struggled with cluster headaches and was taking various medication for being ‘constantly in pain’.

He spent a lot of time going to appointments and had injections in his skull to ease his headache symptoms but they still persisted, the court heard.

Ms Logan said Daniel’s anxiety began to worsen and he went back to bed every day after dropping her children off at school.

The Covid-19 pandemic exacerbated matters, the court was told, and Daniel ‘struggled’ with telephone appointments due to his social anxiety.

In February, the relationship broke down and the pair spoke about splitting up.

On March 23, Daniel told Ms Logan he was going to pick up his medication and see his dad. That night, at around 11pm, a police officer informed her that Daniel had died.

“Daniel was a quiet and private person who was so loving, caring and very clever,” Ms Logan told the court.

Daniel was undergoing assessment for autism spectrum disorder, the court heard, and had told mental health professionals he was experiencing intrusive suicidal thoughts but did not show a risk of acting on them.

Concluding, Coroner Dr Nick Shaw said Daniel had taken an excessive amount of amitriptyline: a medicine used to treat pain and prevent migraines.

He recorded a verdict of suicide.

If you are struggling with your mental health, contact the Samaritans on 116 123.