THE preservation strategy of one of South Lakeland's most famous villages will be up for discussion as the public consultation on the subject recommences.

South Lakeland District Council is launching a four-week public consultation on an updated version of the draft Cartmel Conservation Area Management Plan. 

The consultation will run from Thursday, November 24, until Thursday, December 22, and people can respond via an online survey, email, or post.

The draft plan has been prepared to look at giving a further level of protection to Cartmel's historic buildings. 

Changes have been made to the plan following comments received during the first round of public consultation in March and April 2022, as well as further work being carried out.

Since 1969, the village has been designated a Conservation Area to help protect its historic character. 

Cartmel is home to dozens of listed properties including its Grade I listed Priory but also features many heritage buildings 'of particular merit' that are not listed in their own right. 

Following extensive research and survey work on the ground, the draft plan proposes that a number of properties be added to a 'local heritage list' so their significance can be taken into account when the council considers planning applications affecting these buildings, their site, or setting.

Councillor Helen Chaffey, Portfolio Holder for Housing, said: "I'd encourage everyone who knows and loves Cartmel to take a look at the draft Conservation Area Management Plan and let us know what they think by completing the short online questionnaire.

READ MORE: Council proposes plans to further protect special character of Cumbrian 'jewel'

"The village is renowned across the world for the beauty and history of its architecture. 

"This draft document is designed to protect Cartmel's built heritage into the future, while giving residents and property owners clarity regarding the planning consent needed for any works they might like to undertake.

"Having your property on a local list does not in itself impose any extra planning controls and does not affect the work you can do without planning consent.

"The council is writing to householders and interested parties in Cartmel to let them know about this latest round of consultation. 

"Look out for the letter and tell us your thoughts so that the final, published version of the plan best reflects the community’s views."